Friday, June 5, 2009 on My Yahoo - Go Mint !! on My Yahoo..
This is one of those events , which wakes me up and inspires me to write a blog.

I have been using for some time as a user and also tracking it as a Product Manager.
As a user , I find it awesome . Fell in love with it's aggregation and budgeting features 1 year ago.
Bank of America and Wells Fargo had these features ( thanks to Yodlee's aggregation engine) , but the usability and the promotions were lacking .
I was introduced to Mint by founder Aaron Patzer's at a SVPMA, Silicon Valley Product Management meeting.

As a Product Manager , I find that these folks define and redefine the concepts of elegance and usability. Can't stop admiring the light weight , non-invasive and the guided features. It' application's improvements are a steady stream of tutorials for any Product Manager. It's exponentially growing user base and growing repeat usage are testimonies of Mint's excellent idea generation and flawless execution. on My Yahoo

It's a delight to know that is now available on My Yahoo. More users can benefit in this recession by tracking expenses on all credit/debit/trading/retirement accounts and by increasing the savings with mint's budgeting and spending analysis tools.

My Yahoo deal is another great accomplishment by Mint folks and I must say, a smart move by Yahoo. It seems Yahoo is at last making the right moves and trying out new stuff !!

So here is my visual appreciation and cheering for

Mint on Yahoo Finance .. why not ?

It would be more better for Mint and Yahoo if Mint's application is made available on Yahoo Finance or integrated in some manner.
Be visible at right place, right time.

Not many use My Yahoo , I am a google addict , but cannot live without Yahoo Finance. As Techcrunch captured it right "Google Finance, still can't touch Yahoo Finance after 3 years"

Mint's recommendations feature - a lot to improve still !!

Aaron mentioned about forthcoming datawarehousing and analytical tools that will yield amazing benefits to end users by providing smart recommendations on cost savings.

It seems the datawarehouse engine is still being used for their internal analysis .
I am yet to experience an 'aha' kind of engagement while checking the recommendation features of cost savings . In fact, I even stopped looking at the recommendation page .

How many new cards can one apply even if says that it can reduce my current costs by 5 %. How many times can I look at Discover's credit card features and APRs ? Hope they are working on it. Aggregation and budgeting are the best features meanwhile.